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Remarkable wine is made

at the extraordinary vineyard


Biodynamic spray in the vineyard

Optimal spraying dates:

Moon Descending periods: for soil spray

Moon Ascending: atmospheric and foliar sprays

Two days before Moon opposite Saturn: put out soil sprays, atmospheric sprays the next morning

Autumn post Harvest:

At leaf fall: atmospheric spray Horn Silica 501 with fresh Equisetum/Casuarina tea 508: Early morning before 9:00 am on ascending moon day at 2 g 501/ha in 40 l of rain water

Late Autumn: Horn Manure 500 and soil tea sprays: late afternoon on a descending moon day at 80 g/ha in 40 l of rain water


Before Budburst: Horn Manure 500 and soil sprays

Just on Budburst: wettable sulphur spray including fresh Equisetum/Casuarina tea (508)

4 to 6 leaf stage (10 cm): Foliar Sprays and Horn Silica 501: morning on ascending moon period

Can also try foliar spray of liquid kelp, fish emulsion, nettle tea, fresh Casuarina tea, CPP tea, Summer Horn Clay, Fulvic Acid

At Inflorescence: 8 to 12 leaf stage

Apply Horn Silica 501 + Fresh Casuarina tea (508) + Summer Horn Clay (509 S) in early morning on ascending moon days

After Flowering: Horn Silica 501

Foliar spray: fresh Equisetum/Casuarina tea 508, CPP tea, Summer Horn Clay, Nettle tea

Anti fungal spray: fresh Equisetum/Casuarina tea, sulphur, Potassium Bicarbonate with oil


After summer Solstice: foliar spray of Kelp and CPP (may also try stinging nettle tea, chamomile and Calendula tea

Harvest time:

14 days before harvest: horn silica 501 as atmospheric spray: usually not possible with nets on

horn biodynamic.jpg

Liquor license number 75119780


Under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 it is an offence: for liquor to be delivered to a person under the age of 18 years. Penalty: Fine not exceeding 20 penalty units ($3 260 for 2018–19) for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase liquor. Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units ($1 630 for 2018–19)

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